Sensitive EdU Cell Proliferation Assay for Flow Cytometry
ClickTech Sensitive EdU Cell Proliferation Kit for Flow Cytometry

Size | Catalog No. | Price |
Dye 488 / 50 Assays | BCK-EdUPro488FC50 | 525 € |
Dye 647 / 50 Assays | BCK-EdUPro647FC50 | 525 € |
The Sensitive EdU Cell Proliferation Kits combine all the advantages of their very popular predecessors – the EdU Cell Proliferation Kits – with a brand new fluorescence enhancer system. Therefore, they are just as easy to handle and as reliable, while showing outstanding efficiency and greatly enhanced signal and sensitivity.
Profit from:
» Exceptional sensitivity and enhanced fluorescence signals
» Lower copper concentrations needed
» Better signal-to-noise ratio
» Optimized for low content HTS and Flow Cytometry analysisWe offer these Sensitive EdU Cell Proliferation Kits for three different ranges of application: cell proliferation analysis by imaging (IM), by flow cytometry (FC) and by high throughput screening analysis (HTS).
The IM kits are available for the following wavelenghts: 488 nm and 647 nm
The FC kits are available for the following wavelenghts: 488 nm and 647 nm
The HTS kit is available for the following wavelenght: 488 nm
What type of cells can incorporate EdU?
The EdU cell proliferation assay has been applied to many different cell types and organisms from prokaryotic to eukaryotic. Cell lines such as E. coli, HeLa, HEK, MOLM are arguably among the most routine applications, but also animals, like mouse, rat, the nematode C. elegans, crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus), chicken (Gallus domesticus) and zebra fish (Danio rerio) or even plants (e.g. Arabidopsis thaliana) can be applied.
Cells that possess a pyrimidine pathway that can phosphorylate EdU to the corresponding triphosphate, which is then accepted by the host DNA polymerase for incorporation into DNA during replication. -
Can I perform EdU cell proliferation detection on living cells?
EdU is incorporated into living cells, but the detection reaction must be performed on fixed and permeabilized samples.
How does EdU labeling compare to BrdU or the 3H-thymidine incorporation assay?
All three methods enable to determine cell proliferation directly by incorporation of a metabolite analogue and subsequent detection. The 3H-thymidine incorporation assay is very sensitive, but the radioactive compound requires specialized equipment and dedicated lab space for handling. EdU and BrdU assays are non-radioactive alternatives with decreased risk for health and environment. Compared to the BrdU incorporation assay the EdU assay is more sensitive, requires less handling time and needs no harsh DNA denaturing conditions for detection. Therefore, the EdU cell proliferation is also compatible with multiplexing.
Can I combine DAPI staining and EdU detection?
Yes, this is feasible. Please note that DAPI staining should be done after the click detection step. Alternatively, SYBR Green DNA staining can be used. But, please note that SYBR green should not be used with dyes of 488 nm wavelengths.
When can I safely interrupt the experiment?
It is possible to safely interrupt the protocol after the fixation step. Thereto, remove the fixation solution and wash as suggested by the user manual, then the cells can be stored in buffer at 4° C. Alternatively, the experiment can also be safely interrupted after permeabilization, again as described above.
Please note: It is important to proceed with the experiment if the click cocktail for the detection of the EdU has been prepared already. -
Is antibody staining compatible with the EdU?
Antibody staining is compatible with EdU cell proliferation detection when antibody detection is done after the click detection step. Please be aware of the dye used for EdU detection. Check also the user manual for more information.
How to determine the EdU incubation time?
The EdU incubation time depends on the cell type or organism, the applied EdU concentration and the experimental design. For a start it is advisable to refer to a literature protocol (which is close to your experimental setup) and to test the conditions with a low number of samples. As a general guideline we recommend to use a maximum of 10 µM final EdU in the cell culture medium for incubations. For longer incubation (> 1 day) the concentration should be decreased to 1-5 µM.
What type of cells can incorporate EdU?
Shelf Life
12 months unopened after receipt
Storage Conditions
2-8 °C
Physical State
kit system made of different components
CAS Number
Excitation (max)
Dye 488: 496 nm | Dye 647: 643 nm
Emission (max)
Dye 488: 516 nm | Dye 647: 662 nm
Ɛ (max)
Dye 488: 83.000 cm-1M-1 | Dye 647: 250.000 cm-1M-1
please see user manual of the kit
Shelf Life