Latest News

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    BCV-193N was positively assessed in the Scientific Advice Meeting

    Coronavirus vaccine development at baseclick Vaccine GmbH Neuried, Germany, October 29th, 2021 – the German company baseclick Vaccine GmbH presented its preclinical data to the

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    baseclick will attend the Bio-Europe Digital 2021

    We are excited to meet you virtually at this conference. Please contact us via the Partnering platform or

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    Live online discussions about our vaccine development

    baseclick will attend the 2021 RNA Therapeutics Symposium: From Concept to Clinic on June 23-25, 2021. Our scientist Luis Montiel is ready to answer your

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    baseclick will attend the Bio International convention Digital 2021

    We are excited to meet you virtually at this conference. Please contact us via the Bio Partnering Platform or

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    baseclick is already working on the second generation vaccines

    While the first generation of vaccines is being inoculated, baseclick is already working on the second generation vaccines. This should be able to cope with

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